torsdag 30 augusti 2018

Vi är igång!


Denna vecka har vi arbetat med demokrati och det svenska valsystemet samt börjat fördjupa oss i de politiska partier som finns representerade i riksdagen.
Vi har använt samhällskunskapsboken och gått igenom sidorna 86-97.
Om du varit frånvarande eller vill repetera ska du lyssna på texten via 
Du loggar in med din skolemejl och lösenordet 12345678.
Nästa vecka gör  vi ett studiebesök vid valstugorna på Sergels torg och genomför ett skolval.
Hemuppgift till nästa vecka är att läsa seriehäftet om Adam och Eva och göra uppgifterna i häftet.

Mvh Patrik

fredag 24 augusti 2018

Hemuppgift - Samhällskunskap

Hemuppgift till vecka 35 är att läsa serien från A till Ön, om riksdag och demokrati.
Gör sedan uppgifterna längst bak i häftet och lämna in i skolan.

6c - måndag
6b och 6a - tisdag

Här nedan finns även en länk till häftet:

torsdag 16 augusti 2018

Hello parents and children in year 6!

Welcome to a new year!

We`ll meet in the school yard at 9 am.

We who will work as mentors together with your children this year are: Charlotta Wendel, Kimberly Hays, Pia Danielsson and Patrik Garney (teaches SV / SO in 6b and SO in 6a and 6c).

Peter Nordfeldt teaches in music, Tord Danielsson in wood and metalwork and in textiles, Ulrika Westerberg teaches.
Sports teacher for year 6 is this year Hanna Olofsson.

New subjects for the year are languages, on Tuesdays, and Home Economics.

Year 6 has their classrooms at the top of the building on level 4. After many summer weeks, it's really fun to start a new year!

On Monday, an envelope will be distributed to all students with calendars, rules of procedure (please go through these at home with your children) and various information and forms.
Remember to fill in and submit the forms of allergies, eating habits, internet, mobile phones and contact information as soon as possible.

Absence can, as before, only be reported in the School Platform. The school platform is Stockholm’s School’s new web platform where custodians and students will, among other things, be able to see schedule and contact teacher. There you will also be able to follow your child's knowledge development and get information from the school and school teachers.

As last year, the school's personnel meetings are held on Monday morning, which means that all children start at. 9am on Mondays.

More information about the academic year will be available in following week's newsletter and at the parents' meeting on Wednesday, September 5th, at 6 pm.

The first week we make an excursion to Uggleviken on Wednesday 22/8, bring a packed lunch and on Thursday 23/8 there are swim tests at Vanadisbadet, so bring swimwear.

We are looking forward to creating the New Year with all the children!

Best regards from the 6ABC team